Thursday, July 25, 2013

Three Year Anniversary

I don't see why today (July 25) can't be considered my second birthday?
I mean God kept me alive as I entered this decrepit and woeful world such as
this through birth. Yet, I believe, and through absolutely no actions of my
, God obviously had something more important for my life.

At we'll say five in the morning three yrs ago, my brain was rattled and jell-ofied in a wreck,
after a rip and roaring night of stripping at a bachelorette party.  Lol.
My roommate and I were well intoxicated. Then, very unfortunately, we decided to drive home.
BIG mistake.
We hit a tree on the way home.
The result in an instant:
A catastrophic brain injury.
Utterly consuming.
Now my days are consumed with inexorable never ending therapy time and working unreasonably hard to man handle my life back into whence it came.
Overall, it has been a little more than slightly difficult.
Unprecedentedly difficult is a vastly more understandable term.

Three years ago 'til today. 
ONLY through God's grace, I have lived and succeeded. 

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